The Trek to the Turkey – Gearing Up for Thanksgiving Day
Healthy eating and Thanksgiving are not considered synonyms. Thanksgiving is typically viewed as a day you SHOULD leave the table so...

How to stay laser-focused when everyone else is pigging out during the holidays:
The holidays are a hard time for eating right. These tips can help you stay on your diet throughout the holidays, whether you are paleo, low

Happy Halloween - Crock Pot Ribs & Sweet Potatoes
Happy Halloween everyone! Halloween is one of my all-time favorite holidays, and yet it fell on a Monday… my most uninspired day of the...

6 Ways I Optimized My Health
Read any blog, article, magazine out there and they are all pushing ways to make yourself thinner, prettier, shinier, whatever. Some tips...

Featured Recipe: Paleo Pumpkin Treat Bars
Welcome to October, the month where the weather starts to finally cool down in Texas (it’s in the 80’s ya’ll!) and the month where...

How to: Successfully Dine Out with Food Sensitivities
Dining out. One of the small pleasures in life that we tend to take a little too much advantage of. Having food sensitivities typically...

6 Reasons Why You Might Not Be Completely Avoiding Your Food Sensitivities
Those of us with food sensitivities know that if we keep the offending foods in our diets then we struggle to get better or even just to...

Holy Pot Roast & Sweet Potatoes!
I love pot roast so much I think it deserves its own food group. It was always the top of my request for my birthday dinner growing up...

7 Reasons NOT to Downplay Your Food Sensitivities
One summer, way back before I learned about my food sensitivities, I was working at Buffalo Wild Wings. I had a customer come in one day...

Savory Beef Tenderloin Anticuchos
My favorite restaurant in San Antonio called Josephine Street & if you ever find yourself in San Antonio in need of some delicious steaks...