Top 3 Delicious 20-Minute Stir-Fry Recipes
I am always in a hurry. I drive fast, talk fast, and cook fast. This pretty much sums up everyone I know and have ever talked to in...

6 Ways I Optimized My Health
Read any blog, article, magazine out there and they are all pushing ways to make yourself thinner, prettier, shinier, whatever. Some tips...

Featured Recipe: Paleo Pumpkin Treat Bars
Welcome to October, the month where the weather starts to finally cool down in Texas (it’s in the 80’s ya’ll!) and the month where...

How to: Successfully Dine Out with Food Sensitivities
Dining out. One of the small pleasures in life that we tend to take a little too much advantage of. Having food sensitivities typically...

Holy Pot Roast & Sweet Potatoes!
I love pot roast so much I think it deserves its own food group. It was always the top of my request for my birthday dinner growing up...

Whataburger-Inspired Burger & Sweet Potato Fries
I. Love. Burgers. I think this is pretty unanimous among most Americans. Everyone has their own personal anecdote when they can imagine a...