Happy Halloween - Crock Pot Ribs & Sweet Potatoes
Happy Halloween everyone! Halloween is one of my all-time favorite holidays, and yet it fell on a Monday… my most uninspired day of the...

6 Ways I Optimized My Health
Read any blog, article, magazine out there and they are all pushing ways to make yourself thinner, prettier, shinier, whatever. Some tips...

6 Reasons Why You Might Not Be Completely Avoiding Your Food Sensitivities
Those of us with food sensitivities know that if we keep the offending foods in our diets then we struggle to get better or even just to...

Whataburger-Inspired Burger & Sweet Potato Fries
I. Love. Burgers. I think this is pretty unanimous among most Americans. Everyone has their own personal anecdote when they can imagine a...

Are Hidden Food Sensitivities Making You Sick?
Do you suffer with regular colds? Sore throats, hoarseness, coughing? What about seasonal allergies or even asthma? What about autoimmune...

Why I Eat Gluten At My Parents House
Every time I visit my parents house I eat gluten.. but not necessarily by choice! I am very.. consistent.. when it comes to eating out...

Featured Recipe - No-Egg Roll
When I first moved to San Antonio with my sister, our favorite hang-out spot was right next door to a Chinese restaurant and they would...

Featured Recipe - Sweet & Spicy Pork Chops
MMM pork, the other white meat. The one meat I find to be totally drab and hard to work with – surprising, right? I would always end up...

Visualize & Attack
I started my practice, The Functional RD, LLC, for the sole purpose of providing exquisite education and information for those who are...

Featured Recipe - Not So Soy Sauce
I love soy sauce. I find that is one of the best ingredients that can kick up an otherwise boring marinade. Unfortunately, there are...