My Favorite Things
I have been challenged recently by several clients who wanted to know what my favorite health food snacks and extras are. There are so...

Hearts & Farts - Blog
The Problem with fake sugars also known as "Sugar Alcohols." Let me start by saying that I hope everyone had a fantastic Valentine’s Day...

Grocery Shopping 101
It excites me to announce that this blog was featured in the online Posh Paleo magazine, January edition (page 26 if you want to look it...

Why you may not be losing weight
Weight is a fickle beast. Too much excess weight is one of the biggest contributors to some of the most prominent diseases in America....

Keeping it Healthy at the Holiday Party
We had a holiday party last weekend and three more this upcoming weekend so this is probably the timeliest post I will ever write! It is...

Anti-inflammatory Meatballs
When you get a special request to make meatballs.. you make meatballs! This is a great recipe to add to your list of easy Pot Luck Dinner...

Winner-Winner Pot Luck Dinner!
The holidays are here, y’all! People are either excited or really annoyed. I consider myself to be a glass is half-full kind of girl so I...

How to stay laser-focused when everyone else is pigging out during the holidays:
The holidays are a hard time for eating right. These tips can help you stay on your diet throughout the holidays, whether you are paleo, low

6 Ways I Optimized My Health
Read any blog, article, magazine out there and they are all pushing ways to make yourself thinner, prettier, shinier, whatever. Some tips...

How to: Successfully Dine Out with Food Sensitivities
Dining out. One of the small pleasures in life that we tend to take a little too much advantage of. Having food sensitivities typically...